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Temporary to Permanent Employment

Our recruiters at Oxford Solutions recruit for temporary contract, contract to hire and direct hire roles. When we recruit for temporary contract roles, the top question from candidates tends to be: 

“Is there a chance this may turn into a permanent position?”

As a candidate for a contract role, the answer lies within you and what you can bring to the table.

As a temporary worker, you have the chance to “try out” the professional and cultural environment of a new company before making a long-term commitment. This temporary period not only benefits you as the candidate, but it benefits the client as well. As a matter of fact, many companies now use the “temp-to-hire” model as their primary hiring system. This approach allows for a “try out” period for both parties. The client wants to be able to measure your performance before making a long-term commitment to hire you. On the same token, this gives you a chance to evaluate a new company without the pressure of feeling like your quitting a permanent job if it doesn’t work out in the long term.

How do you increase your chances of converting from a temporary contract worker to a full-time employee?

Prove Your Worth as a Temporary Employee

Focus on professionalism, performance and production. First off, be professional. Aim for a professional image (dressing appropriately for the role) and attitude. This also includes keeping conversations with your managers and co-workers professional. Specifically, avoid swearing, negativity, office politics, talking about weekend plans and pursuits, etc.). Secondly, concentrate on performing at your best and leaving a lasting impression. Prove to your manager that you are marketable in this role. Lastly, focus on production. Your aim is to provide a product (your skills and abilities) that an employee would want to utilize on a long-term basis. Even if this position doesn’t lead to a direct hire opportunity, you want your manager to be able to give you an outstanding reference if you need one.

Keep on Schedule

Be prompt with start times and meeting times. If your job starts at 8 am, then be there and be ready to work at 8 am. Try not to spend a half hour getting coffee and chatting with your co-workers on your first few days. If you have a meeting scheduled, be there at the scheduled time. Don’t keep your colleagues or managers waiting for you. In addition, communicate with your manager when and if overtime is required. Furthermore, be willing to go the extra mile to get the job done and to meet deadlines.

Make a Good Impression

Your intent is to make a good impression, so manage your time and personal communications properly. This means, be wary of texting and personal phone calls during work hours. It’s possible you will work with others that might have a less than stellar attitude towards their job. Try not to be influenced by this. Every company has its bad eggs. If you must work with someone like this, don’t let it drag you down. Ultimately, your goal is to make a positive impression on your managers and superiors more so than on your peers. Brown-nosing isn’t the objective, but a professional attitude and manners is.

Stay Engaged

Stay engaged and “act” as if you are full-time, permanent employee. Meaning, don’t assume you don’t have to give it your best since you might not be there long. Inquire from your manager about future projects that might be in the pipeline. Show your interest in being part of these possible future endeavors. If there is a lull in activity, or you are close to completing your work, make it a point to find out how and who to ask for more. Prospective employers like to see willingness and enthusiasm.

Keep Communication Lines Open

Communicate with your recruiter that placed you in this role. Keep your recruiter aware of what’s happening at the client site. Let them know if there is a chance of converting to permanent employment.

In conclusion, your goal is to provide the highest level of value to the client. If this is your focus, you will be doing everything you can to turn a temporary situation into a possible permanent career opportunity. Even so, there may be other reasons you are not converted which might be out of the client’s control. This could include hiring freezes, budget cuts or the end of a specific product. One thing for certain is, making a strong positive and lasting impression will ultimately result in positive references which will surely benefit you in your future endeavors.

